Eine junge Frau mit braunen Haaren und dunkler Bluse lacht in die Kamera und sitzt bei einem Tisch

Lesezeit: 2 Minuten


My first 30 days as a Humanbrandy

Hi! My name is Galina and I am a new Social Media Manager at HUMANBRAND! It is hard for me to believe that it has already been 30 days since I started working at HUMANBRAND! How quickly time flies when you do something you love! Probably for this reason I didn’t even notice how my first 30 days at HUMANBRAND went by.  

But let’s go a little bit back and I’ll tell you how it all started 

One day Harald, our HR manager contacted me and invited me for the first interview! I was very nervous, but everything went well. A couple of weeks later I was invited to the next interview and then I was offered the job! I was totally surprised by Harald’s phone call. I couldn’t believe that I was finally going to work for the agency! I was so happy!  

My first meeting with the team was a week before my first day of work. Christian, our CEO, invited me to have lunch with the team and get to know each other! The first impression the company made on me was: a beautiful, spacious office, friendly faces and great food! Later I found out that this day was also the first day of all the colleagues in the new office! Before my first day of work, Harald gave me a little questionnaire to fill out. It was about me, my hobbies and things I like. On the first day at work, Stephanie, my colleague, used this questionnaire to introduce me to the whole office! It was very touching!  

The first week went very well! I learned a lot of new information about the company and how everything works. When I didn’t understand something, everyone did their best to help me with advice or answer my questions (and I had a lot of questions, hahaha!).  After a couple of days, I got my first big task, which made me very happy!  

The second week I was already working from home office. It was a little nerve-wracking since I hadn’t worked from home all day yet. I was a little worried about who would help me if I still had questions. But that was no problem either, because my supervisor Philipp was always on call. I really love the fact that in HUMANBRAND we always help each other. It makes our work more productive and less stressful 

By the way, Monday and Friday are our official days when we can work from home, while Thursday is the obligatory day to be in the office. I really like Thursdays because there is a kind of festive atmosphere on this day, everyone is very happy to see each other, and we often order different delicious foods for lunch!   

I’m very happy to be a part of HUMANBRAND and I hope our collaboration lasts a long time!  

Das bin ich

While studying Sociology Galina discovered a great passion for marketing and the arts. Now she is a part of the HUMANBRAND team. As Social Media Manager she is responsible for graphics and creatives, as well as social media ad campaigns for our clients. 

Das bin ich

While studying Sociology Galina discovered a great passion for marketing and the arts. Now she is a part of the HUMANBRAND team. As Social Media Manager she is responsible for graphics and creatives, as well as social media ad campaigns for our clients. 

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